Meet Your Agent
My name is Jean-Patrice MBELLA DOOH, and I’m African-American originated from Cameroon. Wonderful husband and a very caring father of 3, I’ve immigrated in the USA on 2005 for some good reasons, after a brilliant school cursus and a successful career as manager of a travel agency. In fact, I have a versatile life profile built through long studies and work experiences: I’ve studied biology, insurance, business administration (majoring in hospitality management), cloud with AWS. I’m a professional scrum master, and I love philosophy. I’ve also performed as houseman, Marketing Director with a financial advisory platform, French teacher, and I am passionate about tourism! I am fascinated by the cruise boats, like to enjoy the gorgeousness of fine hotels, impressed by the diversity of people I meet, and love the warmth of airlines’ crews and the fantastic layout of airports; I am always amazed by the curiosities of parks and other vacation venues. I’ve then decided to come back in this business because, owning a travel agency is a wonderful perspective on thriving on fulfilling my very old dreams. Believe me, it is so worthy: so many perks! This is a real fantastic world I’m inviting you to discover. I know you are many to already dealing with travelling and tourism, and many others would like to do so, but do not know how to! TERENGDOM TRAVELS is now here to help you on this endeavor: planning, searching, and booking will no more be a hassle for you. No more secrets or hiding fees. No more worries! Schedule with confidence, WE HAVE YOUR BACK!